The Commonwealth Bank email scam

The Commonwealth bank is one of the biggest banks in Australia, but it would appear as there has been quite a number of scams happening using its name. Let's take a look at the Commonwealth bank email scam to find out what is really happening.

First of all, we can confidently say that these scams has got nothing to do with the Commonwealth bank. It is actually scammers who are using the bank's good name to do their dirty business. To understand what those scammers are after, let's look at the latest Commonwealth bank email scam.

In this scam, the scammers will send you emails claiming to be from the Commonwealth bank. They will provide a link to the Commonwealth bank's homepage in the email, but the body of the emails do differ. Some might claim that there has been some problems with your account, some that claims you've got new messages from them, and even those that say that there has been some security issues with your account.

Whatever excuses they use, they main goal is to get you to click on that link. When you do click on it, you are taken to the Commonwelath bank's homepage, or are you? The truth is, the website you are visiting thanks to that link is actually a fake website designed to look exactly like the original Commonwealth bank's website.

When you try to login, you are given the same message that you have either entered a wrong password, or that there is a problem with their server at the moment and asks you to try again later. But what has really happened is that the fake website has sent all your account details to the scammer.

You end up thinking that there was just a problem with the bank's website so you will only try again later. By which time, the scammers have already entered your account and transfered all your money into their account as well as using your credit card.

So far, the Commonwealth bank email scam targets the Commonwealth bank which is in Australia, so all of the victims have been Australians. But we can expect the scammers to soon maks themselves as other banks from around the world and try to trick other people's money.

This type of scam has been very popular these past few years. Due to those scammers designing their fake websites exactly alike the real one, most people are fooled straight away. The only way to know if you are at the real website is to check the url or website address. Please check the url very closely as most scammers try to get an url that is very similar to the original one.

Even if you are not from Australia, we can learn a lot from this Commonwealth bank email scam, and make sure that we do not fall victim next time those scammers try to target something closer to us.

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